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Global Alumni
2020.02.19 RC1969 Old Boys Touring Stanford Campus, California
In Spring 2020, just before the COVID Lockdown in North America, a group of 1969 Raimondi Alumni travelled from Los Angeles northward...
2020.02 An Exciting West Coast Raimondi 1969 Alumni Tour and Reunion in USA
After an exciting and successful 50th Anniversary Celebration in Hong Kong in November 2019, some of our RC1969 Alumni in Toronto decided...
2019-10-12 Mr. May's 90th Birthday Celebration in Vancouver
A very special day for Mr. Geoffrey May (Mui) Yuen Shek 梅元硕校長 joined by his students from Raimondi College (Hong Kong) Cheung Sha Wan...
2018-11-17 Class 1978 RC Old Boys Celebrate Their 40th Anniversary
Our 1978 Raimondi Alumni were very excited to have 2 of the favorite teachers joining them in celebrating their 40th Anniversary back in...
2018.08.08 Toronto Alumni Celebrating 60th Anniversary Of Raimondi College
Over 100 Overseas Raimondi Teachers, Alumni and families gathered for a Special Celebration of our Raimondi College's 60th Anniversary in...
2018.03.24 RC Alumni Home Coming 踢⻄瓜波
As part of our special 60th Anniversary Celebration of Raimondi College, many alumni came home to Raimondi College for a ⻄瓜波 match to...
2018.03.23 Raimondi Grand Prix Ghostly Bridge Challenge 猛鬼橋賽車
Another 60s & 70s Raimondian pastime tradition that our Alumni missed so much. Showing off their pricy toy cars (Left to Right) Mario...
2018.02.28 Vancouver Alumni Celebrating 60th Anniversary Of Raimondi College
Close to 90 Overseas Raimondi Teachers, Alumni and families gathered for a Special Celebration of our Raimondi College's 60th Anniversary...
2017 Global Alumni Reunions
Every year, numerous Raimondi Alumni Reunions occur around the world frequently. Here is a small collection of them in 2017. Enjoy.
2015.10.05 RC Alumni 深圳遊
(LtoR) Marcus Law Wai Ming 羅偉明 [1970-F5] Paul Ki Ping Ki 祁炳基 [1970] Ko Wai Man 高偉文 [1970-F5] Francis Chan Ki Kai 陳棋湝 [1971-F5] (Toronto)...
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