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Global Alumni
2021.10 Global Raimondi Alumni Nature Walk Fun
October is an awesome month for our Global Alumni to be outdoor to enjoy the fabulous Golden Fall Colours (Fresh Spring Green for our...
2018-03-24 RC 60th Anniversary Banquet in Hong Kong (Recap)
2018.3.24 RC60TH HKCEC Event Video Highlight: 17'36" Camera: Anthony Cheung (74) / Thomas Wai (90) / RCVPC...
2021.10 Another new song released by Paul Loong & Joseph Lynn
Our fellow Raimondi alumni Paul Loong Po Lok 龍佈樂 [1969-F5] (Toronto) and Joseph Lynn Ho Huen 連浩煊 [1969-F5] (Boston) just released their...
2021.09 Global Raimondi Alumni Nature Walk Fun
In the month of September, due to the severe COVID situation in Sydney, Australia, our Alumni there were unable to continue their regular...
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